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Study tours and workshops are the creative window which provide the children with possible directions and creative outlets to have a greater understanding of their craft as well as discover their interests to be able to make a financially sustainable career in the arts.


Moving out: Creativity Explored

Workshop on Installations, Sculpture and Mixed Media Art


Our current summer project

Moving out: Creativity Explored

Our effort is to offer the missing curriculum that children do not get in school. We are making children understand how best practices can make ideas happen. Our projects are guided by the principles of applying and teaching art and design thinking which will help make an impact in their local community. Our approach for the project involves research, ideation and development which will be followed by an Art Show.

Mapping your neighbourhood

Study Tour

Study Tour on Mental Mapping for 30 children was organised by Swati Janu, Creative Director at the social enterprise mHS CITY LAB. A mental map is a person's point-of-view perception of their area of interaction. Our children drew mental maps of their own neighbourhoods. 
The aim of the workshops was to develop the spatial perception and cognitive skills of the participants, through creative exercises based on recollection and retention. It began with a look at an ongoing exhibition of artist Priyanka Choudhary. Priyanka has used mental mapping with a community of Kashmiri refugees in the neighbourhood based on their recollection of their homes in Kashmir. 
The session concluded with tracing the participants’ mental maps on a real satellite map online, to enable them to use online mapping interfaces such as Google Maps.

Study Tour at Kiran Nadar Museum of Art

Study Tour

Study Tour at Kiran Nadar Museum of Art.
Udaan organised a study tour for 30 children. It was conceptualised by Mrs Sanjana Sarkar, a former tour lead with Flow India. The children were given a detailed understanding of the eminent artists of India like M.F Hussain and S.H Raza to name a few. Children encountered a series of artworks which define the space/place paradox, putting it in the context of post independent India, moving steadily towards the modern day, contextualizing both the public and the private, the urban and the rural within the larger framework of experiences.

Paper Jewellery


Udaan conducted a summer workshop of paper jewellery at Saksham Bal Vikas Sanstha. Children were thrilled with their new found creativity. They poured creative and fresh ideas for new designs. Paper is one of the most versatile materials for jewelry making. Children let their creativity flow when making these colorful bracelets, brooches, and necklaces.

A big thank you to Saksham School for this opportunity. 

Creative Wrokshop on 'Winter'


Children of Udaan participated in a creative workshop around 'Winter' by renowned UK contemporary artist Julian Opie, at British council. This workshop was the exploration of the exhibition with a creative output by the children at the end. It was lovely to see so many perceptions and interpretations around the same subject. 

Animation Wrokshop


Children of Udaan participated in an Animation Workshop lead by the renowned animator Mr. Nitin Dhonde. The event was sponsored by Maruti. The workshop focused on movement, building of sets; modeling, surfacing, lighting and rendering as well as building of characters. It proved to be a platform for in-depth insight for children into the world of camera, graphics and storytelling. 

Workshop on Gender Equality by Flow India

Study Tour

Children of Udaan visited "Instituto Cervantes", an art exhibition and workshop on gender equality by Flowindia. Gender equality is achieved when women and men enjoy the same rights and opportunities across all sectors of society. Instilling these values through art can have a long term impact on the minds of these children and this empowered them to bring about a change in the future. 

Workshop at IGNCA by Flow India

Study Tour

Visit to IGNCA , folk archieve by british artists , workshop arranged by Flowindia. The workshop covered topics ranging from art in different states of India like Jharkhand folk art, handicrafts made of thread and than etc. At the end of the workshop, children produced artworks expressing their observations and understanding of Indian culture.

Workshop on Sculpture by Artist Saurabh Mazumdar


Children were taught about clay and making sculptures with different techniques. Each student crafted an entirely unique work of art by combining various materials that lend themselves to creative interpretation. Students created inspirational forms and faces. They all pushed their boundaries in this dynamic workshop.

Art Exhibition by artist Kiran Sandhu

Study Tour

Visit to an art exhibition by artist Kiran Sandhu. Children explored the theme of nature in various art forms, styles and techniques at the art exhibition. This was followed by a beautiful exchange of ideas and perspectives on nature and love for drawing. Our children even got lot of tips for their artwork!

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